Please see our calendar for all activities and details.
Islamic School
Islamic school is a foundational Islamic educational program designed to encompass the love of learning in the hearts of young Muslim children. We offer these classes for students age 5-18 years old from 9:50 am to 1:30 every Sunday.
- Quran Class for Adults
This program offers instruction in Qur'anic recitation, rules, regulations and annunciation for adults all levels starting from beginner to Hifz. Reach out to Imam for details
- Community service
MASR actively supports needy families around Snoqualmie valley, North Bend, Fall City, Issaquah and greater Seattle area with rent, food, clothing and other support during their times of hardship. We drive various individual programs in partnership with various organization. Please see our calendar for details and volunteer sign up.
- Monthly Halaqa and potluck for families
A monthly halaqa is arranged on the last Sunday of each month where our Imam or other scholars and guest speakers are invited to talk about various religious topics.